Scialla – 2001 Bruno Beltrame has let it all hang out, for quite a while. All that’s left of his old talent as a writer is just enough to ghost-write ‘other people’s books’. His passion for teaching has given way to a tiresome routine of tutoring equally apathetic students, including fifteen-year old Luca, who is as ignorant as the others,…
Vogue Talents was developed out of the scouting activity undertaken by Vogue Italia; it has its own dedicated section on featuring also fashion videos and photo shooting entirely made by up-and-coming young professionals. The Italian Cultural Institute and Vogue Talents will present the brands of eight talented designers at the Italian Institute’s elegant Belgravia address in London. Read more…

Click play and learn how to use and forme th reflexive verbs in Italian with this slide presentation. Then continue with the grammar activities and video practice. Buona lezione, Antonio Read more on reflexive verbs, click here to continue with the grammar and practice: Grammar lesson Practice with this fill the gap exercise on reflexive verbs: Fill the gaps Click…
After the success of this year’s inaugural month-long event, the Italian Cultural Institute and Cinecitta Luce are pleased to announce the return of the Italian Film Festival in March 2012 under the title Cinema Made In Italy. Date: Friday, March 09, 2012 – Friday, March 30, 2012 Venue: Italian Cultural Institute & Cine Lumiere Organised by: Italian Cultural Institue &…

Play the presentation and watch the grammar video lesson then practice with the links below. Buona lezione,Antonio Trasforma le frasi al plurale o al singolare Parto per Parigi. Chiara studia all’università di economia. > Chiara e Paola…. Vieni alla festa di Piero? Mangio sempre in mensa con i colleghi. Preferisci la carne o il pesce? Il venerdì esce sempre con le…

Il passato prossimo è il tempo passato più usato in italiano insieme all’imperfetto. Il tempo passato prossimo è formato da due elementi, l’ ausiliare e il participio passato. L’ausiliare si forma con il presente del verbo essere o del verbo avere, dipende dal caso. Il participio passato dei verbi regolari ha 3 forme. Clicca play e guarda la mia presentazione.…
Auguri di Buon Natale con una canzone della grande Mina Io vi vorrei veder tutti felici assieme qui con noi e che dolce festa sarebbe questa un caldo lungo Natale La neve scende giù lenta e in ogni fioco che cadrà un augurio vi porterà Un augurio di felicità E scende giù dal ciel lento, un dolce canto ammaliator che…
The Italians have their woolly scarves and quilted coats out and are rubbing their necks, complaining of my favourite mystery Italian malady “la cervicale”. “Soffro di cervicale (I suffer from cervicale),” they tell me, making it sound particularly serious. Most people over the age of 30 seem to have the condition, but I am still at a loss as…
Antonello Salis & Paolo Angeli & Gavino Murgia- Free Event- Italian Cultural Institute London Date: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 Opening times: 7pm Venue: Italian Cultural Institute Antonello SALIS – piano/accordion Paolo ANGELI – Sardinian guitar/voice Gavino MURGIA – sax/flute/voice The sound of the Salis-Angeli duo is born of a specialized expertise on their instruments, sonically rich and free of anything…