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Italian Altarpieces before 1500- The National Gallery

Devotion by Design: Italian Altarpieces before 1500 Date and time 6 July – 2 October 2011 Sainsbury Wing Exhibition Admission free As part of a programme of summer shows focusing on the National Gallery’s collection, ‘Devotion by Design’ explores the function, the original location, and the development of altarpieces in Italy during the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance.…

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Learning Italian on the web

Clicca qui > In Italia. L’Italia e l’Italiano per stranieri. Un progetto pilota per una nuova cittadinanza attiva 60 puntate 40 città 20 nuove storie 2400 minuti di programmazione 3 serie televisive e un sito web 4 protagonisti…+ 1! … 1 famiglia È “IN ITALIA. L’Italia e l’Italiano per stranieri”, un progetto pilota per l’istruzione degli immigrati nel nostro Paese,…

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British Library launches eBook Treasures:Leonardo da Vinci’s Notebook on iPad

British Library launches eBook Treasures Leonardo da Vinci’s Notebook now available on iPad in spectacular High Definition The British Library has launched a ground-breaking ‘eBook Treasures’ series which allows iPad users to download entire rare manuscripts. Starting with Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Arundel (1478-1518) and Geradus Mercator’s Atlas of Europe Read more : British Library

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JPYA Summer Performance

The Summer Performance of the Jette Parker Young Artists on the main stage has made a name for itself as an important event at which to spot future stars in a rich and enjoyable showcase of musical and dramatic styles. Singers, conductors, stage director and répétiteur join to present a great afternoon of opera which this year takes its inspiration…

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