The Italian Cultural Institute in London promote the image of Italy as centre of production, conservation and diffusion of culture from the Classical age to nowadays. The Italian Cultural Institute organize cultural events in all cultural fields (arts, music, cinema, theatre, dance, fashion, design, architecture, photography, literature, food). Recounting the Present Gio 8 Set 2016 → Gio 20 Ott 2016…
Italian language services is happy to present the new Academic year for Italian courses at the Italian Cultural Institute. Make rapid progress with one of our courses at the Italian Cultural Institute, the official Italian government centre for the promotion of culture in London, one of 90 Institutes around the world offering a wide choice of Italian language classes. Whether you…
Welcome to Rome Fiumicino where the local time is 11am. Through passport control, on to the Leonardo express train and I’m in Rome Termini. From there, I take the Treno regionale veloce to Chiusi Chianciano Terme for only 10 euros one way. After less than 20 minutes, I’m already in the beautiful Italian countryside. I don’t regret for one moment my decision to reach Montepulciano by train – the view is beyond words.The train is passing through wheat…
Read the Top 25 Language Learning Blogs 2016. Congratulations to all the amazing bloggers and I am so proud to be shortlisted as a top Italian Language blogger.
Grazie all for sharing your love for Italian language with me!
Home is… Where I feel well and have my friends around…and after this experience here, I can definitely say that Lecce in Puglia is home! First thing you do when you arrive back in Lecce is… To drink caffè leccese in piazza, ovvio :) , where you can feel the beautiful atmosphere created by the building, sun and people. What advice would…
I just found this map of Italy by Classic Italian film and thought it is very stimulating, especially if you consider that the most productive regions (Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Lazio and Sicilia above all others) seem to work with genres that are seen as more appropriate to the cultural atmosphere of their specific territory. For example, immersed in the grey metropolitan scenarios of the workaholic…
Maria has a soft voice and a very easy manner, nothing seems to stress or worry her. Even though she is planning a wedding for her daughter in 3 weeks, we are welcomed in and offered cakes and coffee around the large table before getting started. Maria is unable to sit still and if she is sitting, her hands are…
We asked Martina to tell us why the programme in Montepulciano was crucial for her to learn Italian. First thing you do when you arrive back in Montepulciano, Tuscany? Go to the beginning of Via di Collazzi and take in the panoramic view of San Biagio and the surrounding countryside – spectacular especially at sunset. What advice would you give…
Italian language services is happy to present the Intensive Italian Summer courses. Make rapid progress this summer with one of our courses at the Italian Cultural Institute, the official Italian government centre for the promotion of culture in London, one of 90 Institutes around the world offering a wide choice of Italian language classes. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or…
I am a bus lover?. I have been called strange many times in my 20 years, usually for different reasons, however since moving to Rome I have found that the number one reason now is that I like riding the buses. When I have to go somewhere I go early enough so that I can still make it to my destination…