ITALIA DOC arriva alla quarta edizione, ed è l’unica serie di proiezioni gratis a Londra di documentari italiani contemporanei sancita da FilmItalia/ Istituto Luce in sinergia con University College London.
Organizzata e curata dalla dottoressa Cristina Massaccesi, Senior Teaching Fellow and Language Coordinator a UCL e Stefania Bochicchio, artistic director di Draper Hall, Londra e co direttore UK dell’ International Theatre Institute/UNESCO, la rassegna si prefigge di dare uno spaccato della società italiana contemporanea attraverso l’accurata scelta di uscite recenti e spesso pluripremiate nell’ambito della documentaristica.
Per portare ad una più ampia divulgazione questo importante ramo della cinematografia, UCL e FilmItalia si sono impegnate a mantenere gratis tutte le proiezioni e a sostenere le spese necessarie alla venuta a Londra dei registi dei documentari, che saranno presenti dopo ogni proiezione per una sessione di Q&A.
Tuesday 3 March- PIERINO – Free screening – ITALIA DOC IV
Pierino Aceti is a man of fixed habits, a pensioner and a film lover . For one year, for exactly fifty two Thursdays, the director went to visit Mr Aceti at his house from 10.30 to 11.30 am. Every meeting revolved around one question: “what did you do this week?”. The rigorous organisational schedule of Pierino’s days, his relentless ability to classify and remember things and details about films and life, to fragment time in meticulous and measurable events emerge during the course of this formal agreement.
In a cinematic universe full of superheroes (there are at least 25 in Avengers: Infinity War), it only seems fitting to narrate the exploits of the ‘super-normal’ among us. Luca Ferri’s decidedly experimental but coherent stylistic choice is striking, having shot Pierino on a VHS with an old film camera, in homage to Mr. Aceti’s cinephilia, ‘We couldn’t shoot the film any other way while maintaining a coherent fusion of form and content,’”
MOHAMED’S JOURNEY – ITALIA DOC IV – Free screening and Q&A
In Italian with English Subtitles. Doors open at 6.30. screening at 7pm
Mohammed, 30 years old, from Morocco, is working as a mechanic in a chop shop in a suburb of Rome. He lives with Gino, a spry old widow that loves him like a son and his main point person is his Italian teacher, Eraldo Affinati, founder of Penny Wirton, a free school open to migrants. After many years of sacrifices, thanks to his tenacity, Mohamed has finally become a full-fledged Italian citizen. The opportunity of his engagement party with his bride-to-be allows him to rejoin his origins, going back to Oued Zem where he was born and his family still lives. In this backwards trip that he will live with his inseparable friend Eraldo, he will be able to understand still better the deep meaning of his life and his journey, between past and future.
Anche se tutte le proiezioni sono gratis, la prenotazione e’ obbligatoria.
Italia DOC 4: free screening – Dicktatorship 29 November London
Il primo documentario che aprirà il 29 Novembre la serie corrente sarà DIKTATORSHIP diretto da GUSTAV HOFER e LUCA RAGAZZI. Ispirato in parte all’avvertimento apocrifo di Sofocle secondo il quale “avere un pene è come essere incatenato a un pazzo”, i due cineasti, in chiave serio/comica, esaminano la connessione tra le tre Ps: pene, potere e politica.
Anche se tutte le proiezioni sono gratis, la prenotazione e’ obbligatoria e si puo’ effettuare seguendo questo link
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