Learning how to speak Italian can be an amazingly satisfying and fun experience, provided you approach this wonderful language with the appropriate self-motivation and in the most favourable environment (such as an Italian language course at our Italian language school in Rome ? ). Studying Italian in Italy with a full immersion in the Italian culture is always the best way to learn Italian language, especially if you consider that you will also get the chance to visit the country with the highest number of UNESCO sites in the world.

Travelling through Italy

First thing you need to do if you wish to travel through Italy is get an exact idea of the geographical features of the Belpaese. The proverbial shape of the Italian peninsula, often called by natives lo Stivale (‘boot’), together with the fact that almost 40% of the Italian territory is mountainous, with the Alps as the northern boundary and the Apennine Mountains forming the backbone of the peninsula, will have serious effects on your trip plan. In fact, you need to consider that travelling from east to west and from north to south often means crossing a mountain chain, although distances might not seem so dramatic to an experienced traveller. In any case, Italian transport infrastructure is well developed and offers a variety of solutions for any traveler. The rail network is extensive, including a high-speed rail network (TAV) and connecting the major cities of the Belpaese from North to South. Roadways are also considerable in number, with a total length of 487,700 km, and comprehending both an extensive network of highways and motorways, and a system of local roads. One of Italy’s main features is the long and diversified seacoast, which is used for public and private transportation with a noticeable number of harbors from North to South. Airports too are quite common, with a rough number of 70 airport facilities scattered all along the country (including Sicily, Sardinia and the smaller islands), the biggest part of which offers both national and international flights.

Before hitting the road, learn some Italian words!

Basic Italian phrases and few notions of Italian for beginners are surely useful when it comes to facing the maze of Italian transport system, but what you really need to do first is learning Italian words in order to name the different means of transportation… and find the one which is perfect for your needs, especially if you wish to visit more than one Italian city. And remember: there are many ways to travel through Italy, but in any case you better to slow down and buon viaggio da Kappa Language school, Rome


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