
Tag: Art

Video: Baths of Caracalla in Rome and art in the bin..

Video: Baths of Caracalla in Rome and art in the bin..

Le Terme di Caracalla (in latino: Thermae Caracallae) costituiscono uno dei più grandiosi esempi di terme imperiali di Roma e sono  ancora conservate per gran parte della loro struttura e libere da edifici moderni. Furono volute dall’imperatore Caracalla in un’area nei pressi del Circo Massimo, costruito dal re Tarquinio Prisco. In questo video il giornalista Alberto Angela ci guida nelle meravigliose terme…

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Alberto Burri: Form and matter- Estorick Collection

Alberto Burri (1915-1995) revolutionised the artistic vocabulary of the post-war art world. During the 1950s his celebration of humble materials such as sacking and tar created a new aesthetic, rich in expressive power, that was later to prove decisive for artists associated with the Arte Povera movement. Despite his importance, this exhibition is the first major retrospective of the artist’s work to be…

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Real Venice- Somerset House

For centuries, Venice has inspired intellectuals, writers and artists with its ravishing beauty, riches and strangeness. Now, in a major exhibition, fourteen internationally renowned artists have created a series of meaningful and original photographic images of Venice, perhaps the most photographed but seriously threatened city in the world.  The resulting images show Venice in all its beauty, but also in…

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Italian Altarpieces before 1500- The National Gallery

Devotion by Design: Italian Altarpieces before 1500 Date and time 6 July – 2 October 2011 Sainsbury Wing Exhibition Admission free As part of a programme of summer shows focusing on the National Gallery’s collection, ‘Devotion by Design’ explores the function, the original location, and the development of altarpieces in Italy during the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance.…

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