
Italian Beginner

All about doubles!Pronounce double consonants

All about doubles!Pronounce double consonants

Today it’s all about doubles! What if, instead of saying “Hi, how are you today? Your hair looks great!”, I say “Hi, how are you today?  Your hat looks great!”. But you weren’t wearing a hat. You would think I’d gone mad! In Italian this can happen quite easily if you don’t learn to double consonants properly. It’s important to start practising this from your very first…

Video- Buying a house: things to learn when buying in Italy

Video- Buying a house: things to learn when buying in Italy

Guarda l’intervista a Valentina dal minuto 1,10 al minuto 2,51 e rispondi alle domande. Dopo il video: completa la descrizione. Cerco casa Valentina ha_________________anni, è di ________________ .  Si è laureata prima in ingegneria ambientale e poi ha deciso di laurearsi in __________________. Durante l’università ha condiviso l’appartamento con sua__________________ per ______________anni ma ora cerca una casa con _____________________e un…

Describing people’s appearance: what are they like?

Describing people’s appearance: what are they like?

Here find free resources for Italian learners. Learn how to describe people’s physical appearance. Describing is one of the most common and important communicative acts of all, and physical descriptions are always one of the thoughest obstacles an Italian Language Student has to overcome when approaching this wonderful language. The sheer nature of Italian inflection, in both verbs and nouns,…

Che lavoro fai? Talking about jobs and your daily routines in Italian

Che lavoro fai? Talking about jobs and your daily routines in Italian

Guarda il video e rispondi alle domande Livello a1.2+ Sono un insegnante d’italiano, e tu che lavoro fai? Un video e diverse attività per imparare il vocabolario delle professioni in italiano. Guarda il video, completa gli esercizi e controlla le tue risposte. Buon lavoro, Antonio A che ora arriva il direttore? Chi è Fabio? Dov’è Fabio? Com’è Fabio? Di dov’è…


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