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Parola di Dio: 13 common Italian expressions taken from the Bible

Parola di Dio: 13 common Italian expressions taken from the Bible

 Although Italy is officially a work-based secular state, Italian language and culture are scattered with open references to the Judaic and Christian traditions. The Bible itself, having been the one and only source of education for centuries, seems to be a never ending source of idioms and forms of speech. Even without embracing any particular confession, we thought it would…

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Searching for Sergio: aiutiamo Valeria a ritrovare Sergio

Searching for Sergio: aiutiamo Valeria a ritrovare Sergio

Il mistero di Sergio: una divertente storia siciliana da scoprire insieme.    Ascolta la storia di Valeria e rispondi alle domande Quando e dove ha trovato il libro Che cosa dice la dedica Quando hanno scritto la dedica Chi è Sergio Qual è l’indizio Cosa dicono le persone a cui ha raccontato la storia Cosa dicono su internet Se incontrasse…

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Reading Sorrentino @ Italian Cultural Institute

Reading Sorrentino @ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian Cultural Institute is pleased to present the reading of Paolo Sorrentino’s book  Everybody’s right, Hanno tutti ragione. The reading will be performed by the Italian actress Iaia Forte and Branka Katić for the British version introduced by Monica Capuani, at 7pm on Monday the 27th of March at the Italian Cultural Institute. Award-winning Italian actress Iaia Forte is again…

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COMPETITION: Win tickets to experience a little bit of Italy with Cinema Made in Italy and the film Il più grande sogno

COMPETITION: Win tickets to experience a little bit of Italy with Cinema Made in Italy and the film Il più grande sogno

Cinema Made in Italy is offering the chance for you and a friend to go to an exclusive screening of the Italian film, I WAS A DREAMER (Il più grande sogno) at Ciné Lumière  on Sunday 5th of March at 6.40 I WAS A DREAMER (Il più grande sogno) Director: Michele Vannucci – 100 mins Cast: Mirko Frezza, Alessandro Borghi, Vittorio…

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