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Il papà della vespa

Fino al 31 gennaio in programma a Pontedera presso il Museo Piaggio la mostra «Corradino d’Ascanio: Uomo, Genio, Mago, Mito» che esplora la vita e le opere dell’ingegnere abruzzese autore della Vespa. All’interno dell’esposizione sono stati ricostruiti gli ambienti originali dell’epoca anche grazie all’uso della realtà virtuale. Da

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Real Venice- Somerset House

For centuries, Venice has inspired intellectuals, writers and artists with its ravishing beauty, riches and strangeness. Now, in a major exhibition, fourteen internationally renowned artists have created a series of meaningful and original photographic images of Venice, perhaps the most photographed but seriously threatened city in the world.  The resulting images show Venice in all its beauty, but also in…

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A tribute to Nino Rota- Richard Galliano

World-renowned accordionist Richard Galliano and his La Strada Quintet pay tribute to revered film composer, Nino Rota, whose iconic scores include Fellini’s La Dolce Vita and 8½ and Coppola’s The Godfather. To mark Nino Rota’s centenary year, Galliano is joined by two jazz giants – Dave Douglas and John Surman – to reinterpret Rota’s key works playing material from a…

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Come si usa “piuttosto che”

Come si usa “piuttosto che”

Una crociata contro l’uso improprio dell’avverbio ” piuttosto che”. Carlotta spiega  quando e come si usa con tanta passione, buona visione. Antonio   “Piuttosto che”: è un avverbio che serve a indicare una cosa che si preferisce a un’altra. Per esempio:  vado a lavoro in bicicletta piuttosto che in auto (significa che spesso,  facilmente, preferisco prendere la bicicletta) Vediamoci a casa mia o…

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La Traviata a Londra

La traviata – the touching story of the self-sacrificing courtesan of the title – has long been one of the most consistently loved of all operas across the world. Verdi’s music is instantly appealing, with a wealth of famous melodies that allow operatic voices to soar and thrill. Royal Opera House- 3 October 2011 to 25 January 2012 Sung in…

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