Can I improve my Italian by watching movies?
Yes, you can learn Italian with films, videos, clips because you can learn Italian with anything. If you want to improve your Italian, the first thing you need is daily contact with the language. That could be through youtube, tv series, cinema, clips, or whatever it is you’re addicted to.
Do you want to know more about what to watch and be introduced to Italian culture through films and Italian directors?
Join my new Online Cinema workshop in October
You will be introduced to one Italian film each lesson. Through watching and discussing extracts from each film, you will develop a critical understanding of popular culture and Italian society. There will be a chance to practise all four language skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing), with emphasis on speaking. After each lesson, you will receive extra content, guidance in self-study and be set optional homework tasks based on the film.
Organized by: Italian Language services at Italian cultural institute