
Tag: learn italian

Italian VS English- idiomatic expressions: hit me with the phone!

Italian VS English- idiomatic expressions: hit me with the phone!

Starting from the first lessons, it’s funny seeing how many mistakes can be made when we literally translate from English into Italian or viceversa. The real, everyday language that we use with our friends is quite different from the language we learn in class.  It can be full of idiomatic expressions and aphorisms which we learn and become familiar with the more we practise and improve. Idiomatic expressions…

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Reflexive verbs- i verbi riflessivi- Practice and learn

Reflexive verbs- i verbi riflessivi- Practice and learn

 Fill the gaps with the present tense of the reflexive verbs in the list. pettinarsi, addormentarsi, iscriversi, farsi, lavarsi es. 1) Marco ………si lava………i denti due volte al giorno. 2) Lucia e Elena ….………………i capelli con la spazzola. 3) Nostro padre …………..…la barba. 4) I bambini ……………………..alle 22:00 tutte le sere. 5) Carmen …………………all’università quest’anno. Now put the verbs in…

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