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From 4th of July Italian summer courses at Italian Cultural Institute

From 4th of July Italian summer courses at Italian Cultural Institute

Italian language services is happy to present the Intensive Italian Summer  courses. Make rapid progress this summer with one of our courses at the  Italian Cultural Institute, the official Italian government centre for the promotion of culture in London, one of 90 Institutes around the world offering a wide choice of Italian language classes. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or…

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Video- Un’intervista a Jhumpa Lahiri

Video- Un’intervista a Jhumpa Lahiri

Un’intervista con la scrittrice Jhumpa Lahiri, autrice del libro “In altre parole” in cui descrive la sua esperienza come studentessa d’italiano. Nel libro la scrittrice americana descrive tutte le emozioni che ha vissuto e che vive ogni giorno in bilico fra le 3 lingue, italiano, bengalese e inglese. Una lettura divertente e piacevole che consiglio vivamente a tutti i miei…

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A bus lover in Rome

A bus lover in Rome

I am a bus lover?. I have been called strange many times in my 20 years, usually for different reasons, however since moving to Rome I have found that the number one reason now is that I like riding the buses. When I have to go somewhere I go early enough so that I can still make it to my destination…

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How to make tiramisù & Study Italian grammar online

How to make tiramisù & Study Italian grammar online

How to make a proper tiramisù! Tiramisù is the Italian for ‘pick me up’ but mostly is the creamy, tasty, classic dolce. Una ricetta semplice per fare un dolce buonissimo. Completa con : deve/ c’è/ decidono/ vogliono/ descrive level a1.2+ Le origini del tiramisù sono molto incerte, per questo motivo in Italia……… una sorta di contesa tra Toscana, Piemonte e Veneto. La versione ufficiale della storia del…

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Say it with flowers..

Say it with flowers..

Ditelo con i fiori! Impara i nomi dei fiori con la scuola di Montepulciano “Il sasso” Level A2+ Dai il suo nome ad ogni fiore Glicine, garofano,  papavero, primula,  fiordaliso, margherita     Vuoi sapere qual è il mio fiore preferito? è il girasole! Gira – sole  è una parola composta (la prima parte è un verbo, girare, la seconda…

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Study Italian and discover Sicily: September 11th – 18th

Study Italian and discover Sicily: September 11th – 18th

Study trip to Sicily: join us in this special trip to Sicily including Italian language lesson, guided tours, film workshop with an Italian lecture on culture and language plus for the food lovers, dinners, wine and cheese tastings. WHAT’S INCLUDED 5 day Italian Language Course at Babilonia School in Taormina including educational material and certificate of attendance at the end of…

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