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Explore Sorrento this summer

Explore Sorrento this summer

Explore Sorrento: a beautiful Italian town situated in the Neapolitan Riviera. Explore Sorrento this summer and discover a town full of exciting things to do and see. It is full of Mediterranean charm and visitors will enjoy the Southern Italian lifestyle. With many cafes and shops, Sorrento holidays will be enjoyed by every member of the family. Visitors can learn…

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Italian Cinema Workshops @ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian Cinema Workshops @ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian language services  is happy to present the Italian cinema through the pen of Italian writers and the eye of the Italian directors: we will present films based on Italian novels. This short-course is designed for intermediate and upper-intermediate students of Italian. The aim of this course is to expand the student’s knowledge of Italian cinema while improving their speaking,…

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The best teacher ever

The best teacher ever

At 7 years old, my son went to Italy to spend 10 days with Italian cousins to be immersed in the language. When I arrived to Agnone, to collect him, I was stunned when Luca accompanied me around town. He was greeted as though he had been there all his life – by other kids, cousins close and far removed,…

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COMPETITION – Win tickets to experience a little bit of Italy with Vue Fulham Broadway and the box office hit Quo Vado?

COMPETITION – Win tickets to experience a little bit of Italy with Vue Fulham Broadway and the box office hit Quo Vado?

Vue Entertainment is offering the chance for you and a friend to go to an exclusive screening of the Italian box office sensation, Quo Vado? at Vue Fulham Broadway cinema.   Quo Vado? overtook Star Wars: The Force Awakens as the most viewed film of all time in Italian theaters with more than 9 million film fans turning out and now…

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Video: 50 anni nel traffico di Roma

Video: 50 anni nel traffico di Roma

Che lavoro fanno? Indovina le professioni e controlla alla fine dell’articolo. Alberto Tomassi ha 65/75 anni e quest’anno ha festeggiato il cinquantesimo/quindicesimo anno di servizio da tassista per le strade della Capitale. In tutta la sua carriera ha guidato per  3/6 milioni e mezzo di chilometri. Alberto non ha/ ha incontrato molti attori famosi della Dolce vita fra cui anche un…

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Husband for hire- Mariti in affitto- Video

Husband for hire- Mariti in affitto- Video

Hai bisogno di una mano in casa? Non c’è problema, arriva il marito in affitto. Guardate questo video divertente e rispondete alle domande con Vero o Falso Marito in affitto  1.    L’agenzia offre servizi solo a Monza 2.   Il proprietario dell’agenzia ha 59 anni 3.   L’agenzia insegna a riparare gli oggetti in casa 4.   Il servizio è offerto solo alle…

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In vacanza: what’s in your suitcase?

In vacanza: what’s in your suitcase?

Dove vai in vacanza? Sicuramente in Italia ma cosa metti in valigia? Prepara il tuo vocabolario per la vacanza con questo divertente video e fai un po’ di pratica. Clicca qui per studiare il vocabolario con le mie flashcards Guarda la presentazione ..e tu che tipo sei? indeciso, mammone, fai la lista? Metti in ordine le frasi Es. Roma/conosco/buona/a/pizzeria/una> A…

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