
Entertainment & Arts

Competition:Win 2 tickets for Cinema Made in Italy Festival 2019

Competition:Win 2 tickets for Cinema Made in Italy Festival 2019

Cinema Made in Italy is offering the chance for you and a friend to go to an exclusive screening of Cinema Made in Italy 2019 Festival The ninth edition of CINEMA MADE IN ITALY will launch at the Ciné Lumière in South Kensington on Tuesday 26th February, showcasing nine new Italian productions plus the 1970 expressionist masterpiece THE CONFORMIST (Il Conformista), in memory of the late Bernardo…

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Italian language services workshops@ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian language services workshops@ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian & CINEMA 10,17,24 March h.13,30-16,30 This short-course is designed for intermediate and upper-intermediate students of Italian. The course is aimed at students who wish to expand their knowledge of Italian cinema while improving their speaking, reading and listening skills and by participating in discussions based on selected scenes. The course will help student expand and deepen their knowledge of…

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Video- Top 20 films location in Italy: a movie-lover’s guide

Video- Top 20 films location in Italy: a movie-lover’s guide

In uno degli ultimi articoli sul blog ho parlato dei film italiani tratti dai libri, ho descritto l’esperienza di leggere, conoscere storie e personaggi e poi vedere tutto rappresentato in un film. Un’esperienza divertente perché puoi cercare le differenze fra la visione del regista e quella dello scrittore. Lo consiglio molto ai miei studenti come uno dei metodi più efficaci…

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Video: I migliori film tratti da libri italiani

Video: I migliori film tratti da libri italiani

Scegliere un film che possa piacere a tutti è difficile. Bisogna decidere il genere del film, il regista, gli attori, il tema, la difficoltà dei dialoghi e poi da non dimenticare la lingua del film. In Italia, come tutti sanno, non esiste una sola lingua, un solo accento, un solo italiano ma tanti. Tanti quante sono le regioni e forse di più. Abbiamo un accento, un dialetto per ogni regione, per ogni città e per ogni paesino. Guardare Montalbano è diverso dal guardare “La vita è bella” o “Gomorra”. L’accento del commissario Montalbano è totalmente diverso dal forte accento toscano del magnifico Roberto Benigni. Gli esempi sono infiniti ma non devono spaventare, un film porta con sè oltre alla lingua anche la cultura, le tradizioni e molte storie piccole o grandi ma comunque meravigliose.

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10 almost unknown pleasures of Rome and surrounding

10 almost unknown pleasures of Rome and surrounding

Travel websites and blogs have certainly fed you up with hints and tips about the beauties of the Eternal City. Surely Rome can offer inimitable landmarks, breathtaking views and astonishing itineraries: the sublime Fontana di Trevi, the majestic Colosseum, the astounding Roman Forum and so on. Few tell you, however, that Rome, being (in spite of itself) a great European metropolis, has really much more…

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Video: Italian music goes pop

Video: Italian music goes pop

Whenever I ask my students about the Italian music they like and remember, they sing me cheesy songs from the eighties, or even before. It is fascinating to me to know why some songs resonate with my students more than others. So I’ve started to note down the songs they remember and compare the success these songs had abroad with their success in Italy.  Let’s start with Ricchi & Poveri. A pop band born out of and made…

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Italian Language Services workshops @ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian Language Services workshops @ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian Language Services workshops @ Italian Cultural Institute Italian & Cinema This short-course is designed for intermediate and upper-intermediate students of Italian. The course is aimed at students who wish to expand their knowledge of Italian cinema while improving their speaking, reading and listening skills and by participating in discussions based on selected scenes.The course will help student expand and…

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 Fill 2018: Festival of Italian Literature in London

 Fill 2018: Festival of Italian Literature in London

Last year, an independent literary festival conceived in London by a group of Italians sold out all seats and gathered some 1,500 people. This year, the Festival of Italian Literature in London (FILL) is back at the Coronet in Notting Hill on 27-28 October with an even stronger and timely programme, bringing prominent Italian, British, and international authors together in a treasured Victorian theatre. Two…

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