
Italian Beginner

Reflexive verbs- i verbi riflessivi- Practice and learn

Reflexive verbs- i verbi riflessivi- Practice and learn

 Fill the gaps with the present tense of the reflexive verbs in the list. pettinarsi, addormentarsi, iscriversi, farsi, lavarsi es. 1) Marco ………si lava………i denti due volte al giorno. 2) Lucia e Elena ….………………i capelli con la spazzola. 3) Nostro padre …………..…la barba. 4) I bambini ……………………..alle 22:00 tutte le sere. 5) Carmen …………………all’università quest’anno. Now put the verbs in…

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My favourite Italian films…for students of Italian

My favourite Italian films…for students of Italian

Watching a film in Italian, either at home or in class, is one of my students’ favourite activities to improve their language. And who can blame them!  Films provide full immersion in Italian culture! Let’s start with the soundtrack. Italy has some truly great film score composers (or ‘maestri‘) who are now almost as famous as their director colleagues. Film…

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Bene o buono? meglio o migliore?Comparatives: di o che?

Bene o buono? meglio o migliore?Comparatives: di o che?

Come fare un paragone In italiano quando facciamo un paragone abbiamo due possibilità: di/ che Piero è più alto di Marco. Preferisco più leggere che guardare la tv. La mia camera è più grande della tua. Marco è più bello che intelligente. Normalmente usiamo di quando il paragone è fra due sostantivi (persone o oggetti)  > di ( con o senza articolo) Quando il paragone è…

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Click and Learn: Articoli Determinativi & Nomi- Definite Articles and nouns

Click and Learn: Articoli Determinativi & Nomi- Definite Articles and nouns

In Italian every noun has a gender and number. The endings change in the plural with few exceptions. Exception 1. All the Italian nouns ending with an accent. For example we don’t change the endings for caffè, università, tiramisù, città… Exception 2. We also don’t change in the plural nouns that originally are not Italian, foreign words like cinema, pub,…

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Click and learn: Reflexive verbs- Verbi riflessivi

Click and learn: Reflexive verbs- Verbi riflessivi

Click play and learn how to use and forme th reflexive verbs in Italian with this slide presentation. Then continue with the grammar activities and video practice. Buona lezione, Antonio Read more on reflexive verbs, click here to continue with the grammar and practice: Grammar lesson Practice with this fill the gap exercise on reflexive verbs: Fill the gaps Click…

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