
Tag: italian

Italian Cinema Workshops @ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian Cinema Workshops @ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian language services  is happy to present the Italian cinema through the pen of Italian writers and the eye of the Italian directors: we will present films based on Italian novels. This short-course is designed for intermediate and upper-intermediate students of Italian. The aim of this course is to expand the student’s knowledge of Italian cinema while improving their speaking,…

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A disturbing truth about Rome

A disturbing truth about Rome

Here in Rome has been a lot of fuss few weeks ago about an article that appeared in the New York Times, which revealed a disturbing truth about Rome. For Roman readers, the article may have sounded something like: “Good morning American friends! Here is a revolutionary fact about the discovery of hot water!”; the second reaction was surely a…

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Più di 70 persone si sono unite al secondo ITALIAN SOCIAL PARTY per cantare, divertirsi, vincere premi e conoscere nuovi amici Grazie a tutti e complimenti ai fratelli Mauriello, Elena, il gruppo del maestro Serenelli e lo staff di Spaghetti House. Ci vediamo a ottobre! Antonio & Giuseppe

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Carbonara Rap

What happens when 2 rappers decide to cook? Carbonara Rap and you will cook on a different rythm, enjoy! Serata con gli amici fagli una carbonara Senti qui Mc Chef com’è che la prepara Partiam dagli ingredienti per quattro deficenti che guardan la partita con qualcosa sotto i denti Quattro etti di pasta, sale quanto basta Gli spaghetti non l’ho detto…

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