
Tag: learn italian italy

The best teacher ever

The best teacher ever

At 7 years old, my son went to Italy to spend 10 days with Italian cousins to be immersed in the language. When I arrived to Agnone, to collect him, I was stunned when Luca accompanied me around town. He was greeted as though he had been there all his life – by other kids, cousins close and far removed,…

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Video: From inspector Montalbano to Nobel winner Pirandello

Video: From inspector Montalbano to Nobel winner Pirandello

Da Montalbano a Pirandello: intervista a Andrea Camilleri, autore del commissario Montalbano Andrea Camilleri, autore del famoso commissario Montalbano, con il suo stile inconfondibile racconta quando ha incontrato per la prima volta Luigi Pirandello. Guarda il video fino al minuto 4.30 e rispondi alle domande. Quanti anni sono passati dalla consegna del Nobel a Pirandello? Qual è la relazione fra…

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