Doing some dedicated research on the ancient town of Isernia, about 30 minutes away from Agnone, our base at Live and Learn Italian. I always knew Isernia was there, not least to use the train station, but I had not explored the old town until last summer. It was a revelation – originally settled over 700,000 years ago, it then…
When you take the Strada delle Crete, the road that leads down from Siena towards the south, the last strip of Tuscany before Umbria, you need to drive carefully. Every 100 metres or so there will be somebody who has pulled their car to a halt along the side of the road, and is taking photographs, totally enrapt, unaware of…
It so happens that the 2 oldest continuously family-owned firms in the world are Japanese – One constructing shrines and holy buildings since 578, and the other, inn-keeping since 718. And the 3rd oldest continuously family-owned business in the world is in Molise, Italy – in the small town of Agnone where my grandfather’s cousins have been making bells since…
While getting ready to visit Puglia for the first time, try to learn a few Italian words in order to get more familiar with the Apulia’s history and culinary tradition: masseria, mar Ionio, mar Adriatico, Bizantino, Romanico, Barocco, torre costiera, centro storico, piazza, castello, panino imbottito, carciofo, spumone, pasticciotto… ready,steady,go! Day One: our first stop will be in the same…
That in Puglia, the land of sun and sea, it snows is rare and that it happens in Villa Castelli, country of wine and oil, is definitely an event! But we have greeted the 2015 in this way! On December 31st, each of us, every “castellano” stood up and, opening the windows, found a unusual, magical and sweet Villa Castelli,…
According to a report from the British Council, the Languages for the Future report identifies Spanish, Arabic, French, Mandarin Chinese, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Turkish and Japanese as the languages most vital to the UK over the next 20 years. They were chosen based on economic, geopolitical, cultural and educational factors including the needs of UK businesses, the UK’s overseas…
Mama’s boy is always used to describe the Italian men but now the situation has changed. In this article we have a clear picture of how the situation is changing in Europe and US after the credit crunch, with a simple grammar activity for you..:) Buona lettura, Antonio Chi vive ancora con i suoi Utilizzando i dati fornit… dagli istituti…
Imparare una lingua straniera non è difficile, è sufficiente un po’ d’impegno e tanta pratica! Non esiste nessun segreto ma è solo una combinazione di lezioni e pratica. L’atteggiamento che devi avere è quello di apertura, devi essere pronto a fare errori, ad ascoltare e ripetere, a divertirti. Guarda questo video in cui Benny Lewis racconta la sua esperienza. Buona…
Anni fa durante una docenza in Gran Bretagna, ho consultato una cartina geografica su un libro trovato nella biblioteca scolastica. Appena l’ho aperta, a prima vista la cartina si presentava molto carina con bei colori e bei disegni, ma poi ho cominciato a riflettere… mancava qualche piccolo dettaglio. Sul bello stivale comparivano le tipiche immagini per ciascuna zona italiana ben…
La mia classe di Daniele Gaglianone An actor plays a teacher holding Italian classes attended by a group of immigrants who play themselves. They´re working in Italy and need to learn Italian to get their papers, become integrated, and make a living in their new home. Since they come from a variety of countries, each brings his or her own world…