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Video: Italian music goes pop

Video: Italian music goes pop

Whenever I ask my students about the Italian music they like and remember, they sing me cheesy songs from the eighties, or even before. It is fascinating to me to know why some songs resonate with my students more than others. So I’ve started to note down the songs they remember and compare the success these songs had abroad with their success in Italy.  Let’s start with Ricchi & Poveri. A pop band born out of and made…

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Italian courses @ Italian Cultural institute from 21 January

Italian courses @ Italian Cultural institute from 21 January

Courses Programme here Enrolment is now open for Italian Language Courses at the Italian Cultural Institute in London. in collaboration with Italian Language Services. New term starting on 21 January Whether you are new to the language, totally fluent, or everything in between, we can help. We offer General Italian courses on all levels, weekday mornings, afternoons, evenings, and weekend. In addition, there are morning…

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Italian Language Services workshops @ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian Language Services workshops @ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian Language Services workshops @ Italian Cultural Institute Italian & Cinema This short-course is designed for intermediate and upper-intermediate students of Italian. The course is aimed at students who wish to expand their knowledge of Italian cinema while improving their speaking, reading and listening skills and by participating in discussions based on selected scenes.The course will help student expand and…

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 Fill 2018: Festival of Italian Literature in London

 Fill 2018: Festival of Italian Literature in London

Last year, an independent literary festival conceived in London by a group of Italians sold out all seats and gathered some 1,500 people. This year, the Festival of Italian Literature in London (FILL) is back at the Coronet in Notting Hill on 27-28 October with an even stronger and timely programme, bringing prominent Italian, British, and international authors together in a treasured Victorian theatre. Two…

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Perché o perciò? Come usare perché, perciò, quindi, dunque, allora

Perché o perciò? Come usare perché, perciò, quindi, dunque, allora

Una delle espressioni più usate e facili da usare nella lingua italiana, è l’espressione “perché”. L’espressione “perché” a differenza dell’inglese o del francese, è usata in una domanda e anche in una risposta. Es. Perché studi l’italiano? Studio l’italiano perché mi piace andare in vacanza in Italia. Non ci sono differenze di scrittura quando usiamo perché nella domanda o quando…

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