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Sing & Learn: Il congiuntivo, Baglioni

Sing & Learn: Il congiuntivo, Baglioni

Una canzone italiana per ripetere il congiuntivo con una piccola attività interattiva. Prima di ascoltare la canzone, dividete il congiuntivo nei 4 tempi della tavola. Congiuntivo: dividete i verbi nella tavola io sia  / io fossi /io sia stato  /fossi stato  /io abbia/ io avessi/ abbia avuto  / avessi avuto CONGIUNTIVO Presente Passato imperfetto trapassato         Ascolta…

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Learn Italian words: la pasta!

Learn Italian words: la pasta!

Know your pasta: easier said than done! Italians are so obsessed with their pasta that they actually created a chart to classify every type according to its structure, it’s lenght or its texture: it’s basically a pasta periodic table! That said, it is not surprising that many Italian language students have an hard time to recognize and name even the most…

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Learn Italian @ Italian Cultural Institute, London

Learn Italian @ Italian Cultural Institute, London

Enrolment is now open for Italian Language Courses 2018 at the Italian Cultural Institute in London. Whether you are new to the language, totally fluent, or everything in between, we can help. We offer General Italian courses on all levels, weekday mornings, afternoons, evenings, and weekend. ITALIAN COURSES OPEN EVENING 9 January 2018 5pm to 8:30pm – Enrolment and Assessment Tests + from 7:30pm to 8:30pm – Free Tester Class for Complete Beginners

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Italia Doc Season 2 @ The Bloomsbury studio in London

Italia Doc Season 2 @ The Bloomsbury studio in London

After the runaway success of its first edition that registered complete sell outs for all screenings, ITALIA DOC comes back to London.The only official UK series of screenings of contemporary Italian documentaries starts again on 21st November 2017 at 7pm!Thanks to an important collaboration between UCL University College London and FilmItalia, all the screenings, which will take place at The…

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A very old recipe from a time when bread needed to last weeks-Stories of Agnone

A very old recipe from a time when bread needed to last weeks-Stories of Agnone

In the hills of Alto Molise, in Agnone,Mercedes rises at 3.30 to prepare loaves for the wood fired oven, using logs from her woods, and grain from her fields. The pane casereccio of her childhood was nothing like modern bread, even from the best local bakers. Using methods traditional in her family, alternating crops, using animal ‘sterco’ (manure, no chemicals)…

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Festival of Italian Literature in London 21/22 October @ Coronet, Notting Hill

Festival of Italian Literature in London 21/22 October @ Coronet, Notting Hill

Festival Italiano di Letteratura a Londra  Two days of events, over 30 speakers, authors and thinkers from different backgrounds, established writers and younger radical ones. Italian, British, and international voices will discuss literature and topics such as migration, politics, Italy, the present and future of London, and how Brexit is already affecting novels and poems.  That is the formula of the Festival…

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Italian films in London @ Raindance Film Festival

Italian films in London @ Raindance Film Festival

From 20 September  to 1 October, Raindance Film Festival  & Italian Cultural Institute at the Vue West End (Leicester Square)  present a great selection of Italian contemporary films. Here you have the full list and links.  Children of the Night by Andrea de Sica Golden Door by Emanuele Crialese Terraferma by Emanuele Crialese There is a light by Fabio Mollo Viola, Franca by Marta Savia Read more…

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Essere vs Stare: How to use

Essere vs Stare: How to use

Una domanda frequente degli studenti d’italiano è quando usare il verbo “essere” e quando usare il verbo “stare” . I due verbi sono verbi fondamentali della lingua italiana e sono molto utili per chi comincia a studiare italiano. Questi verbi sono molto usati nella conversazione, per esempio nella domanda “Come stai?” la risposta, naturalmente è “Sto bene” o ” Sto male“.…

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