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Festival of Italian Literature in London 21/22 October @ Coronet, Notting Hill

Festival of Italian Literature in London 21/22 October @ Coronet, Notting Hill

Festival Italiano di Letteratura a Londra  Two days of events, over 30 speakers, authors and thinkers from different backgrounds, established writers and younger radical ones. Italian, British, and international voices will discuss literature and topics such as migration, politics, Italy, the present and future of London, and how Brexit is already affecting novels and poems.  That is the formula of the Festival…

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Italian films in London @ Raindance Film Festival

Italian films in London @ Raindance Film Festival

From 20 September  to 1 October, Raindance Film Festival  & Italian Cultural Institute at the Vue West End (Leicester Square)  present a great selection of Italian contemporary films. Here you have the full list and links.  Children of the Night by Andrea de Sica Golden Door by Emanuele Crialese Terraferma by Emanuele Crialese There is a light by Fabio Mollo Viola, Franca by Marta Savia Read more…

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Essere vs Stare: How to use

Essere vs Stare: How to use

Una domanda frequente degli studenti d’italiano è quando usare il verbo “essere” e quando usare il verbo “stare” . I due verbi sono verbi fondamentali della lingua italiana e sono molto utili per chi comincia a studiare italiano. Questi verbi sono molto usati nella conversazione, per esempio nella domanda “Come stai?” la risposta, naturalmente è “Sto bene” o ” Sto male“.…

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Reading in Italian: Ben Okri on Italo Calvino- 6 September @ Italian Cultural Institute

Reading in Italian: Ben Okri on Italo Calvino- 6 September @ Italian Cultural Institute

Italian Inspirations” è una serie di otto incontri in cui un autore britannico parla di uno scrittore italiano, classico o contemporaneo, che ammira in modo particolare. Curato e moderato da Boyd Tonkin, ogni evento sarà una conversazione alla scoperta dei modi in cui un autore legge e si confronta con i suoi illustri precursori, o con i suoi autorevoli contemporanei.…

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Italian Courses Open Day @ Italian Cultural Institute: 16 September

Italian Courses Open Day @ Italian Cultural Institute: 16 September

On the 16 September 2017 from 10 to 12 teachers and staff from Italian Language Services at the Italian Cultural Institute  offer enrolment and assessment tests.   If you have studied or have learned Italian before, you can have a free assessment test in order to assess your level. Possibility of meeting with some of the teachers to be introduced to the syllabus and the method…

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Nouns & Adjectives: what is masculine or feminine, singular or plural

Nouns & Adjectives: what is masculine or feminine, singular or plural

In Italian every noun has a gender and number. A noun is used for describing a person, an animal, a place or an object. The endings change in the plural with few exceptions. Italian nouns and adjectives can be masculine and feminine, singular and plural. They change the ending vowel according to their gender (feminine or masculine) and number (singular or plural).…

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Video-Vacanze in Italia: Roma, il Vaticano e San Pietro

Video-Vacanze in Italia: Roma, il Vaticano e San Pietro

Scopriamo i tesori della Basilica di San Pietro e della Città del Vaticano. Un interessantissimo documentario che ci fa scoprire i tesori di Roma come la Cupola di San Pietro, la sublime Pietà di Michelangelo, gli affreschi della Cappella Sistina e una visita notturna agli immensi giardini. Alberto Angela ci porta sulle tracce dell’anziano Michelangelo e del giovane Raffaello, scoprendo…

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