
Learn Italian Online

How to discuss news in Italian- Primavera 2024

How to discuss news in Italian- Primavera 2024

An interactive lunch break course for intermediate students who want to discover Italy and the Italian way of life.  A lunchtime course designed for intermediate learners eager to explore Italy and immerse themselves in its cultural nuances. Engage in interactive sessions where you’ll listen to, watch, and engage in discussions on authentic Italian content carefully curated by your teacher. This…

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How to discuss news in Italian- online course

How to discuss news in Italian- online course

An interactive lunch break course for intermediate students who want to discover Italy and the Italian way of life.  You will listen to, watch and discuss a range of authentic material (TV shows, news segments, documentaries, movie clips, online videos and commercials) selected by your teacher to improve your understanding and speaking in Italian.  When: 29th of September  Every Friday from 12.30 to 2pm…

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Giocando s’impara: giochi per un’estate italiana

Giocando s’impara: giochi per un’estate italiana

Una raccolta di giochi e passatempi per la tua estate italiana divisa in livelli. Cominciamo dal gioco che ha spopolato negli ultimi anni: Wordle, ma in italiano. Indovina la parola o il verbo italiano formato da sole 5 lettere. Consigliato per un livello intermedio o avanzato. Worldle in italiano. Una parola al giorno: clicca qui. Un semplice gioco per memorizzare…

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Italian Cinema Workshop: 14, 15 May- 18,19 June

Italian Cinema Workshop: 14, 15 May- 18,19 June

Italiano al Cinema Ti piacerebbe guardare un film italiano e discutere le scene del film con altri appassionati di cinema italiano? Vuoi conoscere gli aneddoti più curiosi dei film e la storia dei registi e attori italiani? Partecipa anche tu alla mia prossima lezione di cinema italiano WHEN: 14, 15 MAY+18, 19 JUNE from 1.30pm to 4pm Duration of each workshop:…

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Online Italian Cinema workshop- October 2021

Online Italian Cinema workshop- October 2021

 Can I improve my Italian by watching movies? Yes, you can learn Italian with films, videos, clips because you can learn Italian with anything.  If you want to improve your Italian, the first thing you need is daily contact with the language. That could be through youtube, tv series, cinema, clips, or whatever it is you’re addicted to.  Do you want to know…

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Online Cinema workshop- 13,14,27,28 February

Online Cinema workshop- 13,14,27,28 February

The Italian Cinema Workshop is back in a new online version. This short, online course is designed for intermediate and upper-intermediate students of Italian. It is aimed at students who wish to expand their knowledge of Italian cinema while improving their language skills. Students will be introduced to one new film each lesson. Through watching and discussing extracts from each…

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Teaching Italian online: tips and tricks for the perfect online Italian lesson

Teaching Italian online: tips and tricks for the perfect online Italian lesson

 When I decided to start teaching online, I expected to have only “millennials”, nerds, hi-tech Silicon Valley boomers or people living their own life online. But with my big surprise, I received requests for Italian online lessons from all the ages, countries and nationalities. Nowadays taking online lessons is easy and it takes 5 minutes to setup. An online lesson…

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Italian for Business: how to write a formal email

Italian for Business: how to write a formal email

How to write a perfect professional email in Italian Scrivere una lettera formale in italiano non è facile. Perché? Perché in italiano le amministrazioni, gli uffici, le aziende usano ancora una lingua molto burocratica. Una lingua formale. Il lessico formale usa delle strutture e del vocabolario totalmente diverso da quello che usiamo quando parliamo. Per risolvere questo problema però, possiamo…

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