Have you thought about learning Italian online? When I first started teaching in 2006, I was a bit sceptical about the effectiveness of online teaching. However, since then I have accumulated a lot more experience, and I’m now much clearer about the benefits and advantages. I’d like to share a few things I’ve learned along the way. How to learn Italian online Online learning offers you the…
Italian & Drama: improve your communication skills with drama techniques You know the moment when you’re in Italy and you try to speak Italian, but everyone keeps replying to you in English?! Or you’re chatting away to your Italian friends, but you suddenly get stuck? Learning Italian through drama techniques can help you to be confident, to manage communication breakdowns, and handle long silences. There’s no need to have any previous experience of drama techniques –…
L’aggettivo bello è uno degli aggettivi più amati e usati dagli studenti d’italiano. Bello in inglese si traduce con diversi aggettivi beautiful, lovely, superb, nice, wonderful, fine,” etc. In italiano può essere usato in diversi modi a seconda del contesto. Hanno contribuito molto alla diffusione dell’aggettivo bello, l’espressione Ciao bella o Ciao bello, la canzone “Bella ciao” il film con…
Enrolment is now open for Italian Language Courses at the Italian Cultural Institute in London. in collaboration with Italian Language Services. OPEN DAY Enrolment and Assessment Tests 17 September from 17:00 [BOOK NOW] Whether you are new to the language, totally fluent, or everything in between, we can help. We offer General Italian courses on all levels, weekday mornings, afternoons, evenings, and weekend. In addition,…
Un problema comune per molti studenti d’italiano è quando usare buono, bene o bravo. Durante le lezioni d’italiano noto che anche gli studenti che hanno studiato italiano per molti anni, a volte, hanno difficoltà a decidere quale espressione usare. Per questo motivo oggi ho deciso di scrivere questo articolo e provo a chiarire quando usare e come usare correttamente le…
Ripetiamo con questo esercizio le parti del corpo umano. Clicca sugli spilli (pins) colorati e scegli la parola esatta. Alcune parti del corpo umano hanno il plurale irregolare. Ecco i nomi con il plurale irregolare il braccio> le braccia il dito> le dita il ginocchio> le ginocchia l’orecchio> le orecchie la mano> le mani Quando parliamo del corpo umano, possiamo…
Live the real experience in Italy: choose here where to study. Click and meet Silvia, Enrico, Roberta, Maria, Virginia. Learn & practice where Italian is spoken. Montepulciano, Toscana Maremma, Toscana Roma Lecce, Puglia Not all classrooms have four walls. Studia in Italia: scrivimi Benvenuto on my blog! I am glad you found me, let’s the journey to learn the language of…
Italian Summer Courses for all levels: whether you are new to the language, totally fluent, or everything in between, we can help. Every Wednesday from 17 July join our new conversation club. Italian conversation classes have been specifically developed to help improve your Italian speaking skills and to build up your confidence during daily interactions. 3 levels: elementary, intermediate, advanced.…
After a sell-out success in 2018 the Italian Theatre Festival returns to the Coronet Theatre to celebrate some of Italy’s most distinguished writers and performers. Booking and info here Fabrizio Gifuni pays tribute to the Prince of Denmark in Remember Me: Homage to Hamlet, while Marco Paolini expands on his study of the character of Ulysses in Odysseus Filò. Three…
Do you want to learn how to make ravioli? Join our Italian cooking lesson! Impariamo insieme una ricetta originale e fresca per l’estate: ravioli con ricotta e confit di pomodoro conditi con ricotta affumicata. On Sunday 9th + Sunday 16th of June at 11am we will start and we will speak Italian .. We start with a short lesson on…