Brace yourselves, winter is coming! Or, we should say, it’s already here. Temperatures dropped so dramatically during last week that Romans are experiencing somenthing very unusual: a real winter! Although the idea of the Colosseum covered in snow might be fascinating for many, people in Rome consider the possibility of a snowfall as a real disaster: at the first sight of…
A pochi giorni dalla scomparsa del famoso regista Ettore Scola, ecco qui una scena del capolavoro “Una giornata particolare” per ricordare uno dei film più belli del cinema italiano. Due grandi attori, Marcello Mastroianni e Sophia Loren s’incontrano e si amano in una straordinaria interpretazione accompagnata dalla radio che raccontava la sfilata di Hitler a Roma. In questo video visitiamo…
This winter festival is unique to Agnone, in alto Molise, which is believed to have originated as a Samnite festival of fire when the torches, or ‘ndocce’ were used during tribal shifts that usually took place at night, as s source of light. Later during Christian times, this tradition of burning torches continued as a festive way for the community…
Un cortometraggio è un film breve, corto in cui il o la regista raccontano una storia in pochi minuti. Oggi usiamo principalmente l’espressione corto, invece di cortometraggio, per indicare un film con una durata minore di 15 minuti. Uso spesso i corti in classe per catturare l’attenzione dei miei studenti e variare le lezioni. In queste storie brevi ci sono…
Parental advisory: The following post contains explicit language. They are Italian words worth paying heed to. Every language has its own puns and double meanings, but for language students it is always tricky to find out when they are accidently embarassing themselves by using innocent words in inappropriate contexts. Here’s a list of 10 very innocent Italian Words you might want…
December has finally arrived and if you want to escape the Christmas madness, there is plenty going on at the Italian Cultural Institute and throughout London. On the 8th of December at the Institute of Contemporary Art, grand opening party for the exhibition «Radical Disco »: architectural drawings, writings, photographs of the designs for the construction of six discothèques in…
After the last successfull trips with our students, Giuseppe is heading to the heel of Italy’s boot to discover a region with reasons to celebrate local food and history all year round. Puglia: the region with the longest coastline of any region in mainland Italy, nature reserves, caves and cucina povera. Our programme from the 9th of April to the 16th of…
Le Terme di Caracalla (in latino: Thermae Caracallae) costituiscono uno dei più grandiosi esempi di terme imperiali di Roma e sono ancora conservate per gran parte della loro struttura e libere da edifici moderni. Furono volute dall’imperatore Caracalla in un’area nei pressi del Circo Massimo, costruito dal re Tarquinio Prisco. In questo video il giornalista Alberto Angela ci guida nelle meravigliose terme…
No visit to Agnone is complete without seeing the ancient Sannite ruins at Pietrabbondante, only a short drive away. We went on a spectacular Sunday evening and had the place to ourselves. The historians of our group were amazed to hear about this tribe, considered to be the original Italians. An Italici tribe, these powerful warriors were an Oscan speaking…
Level A2+ Molti avverbi italiani derivano da aggettivi ma come si formano? Per esempio l’avverbio completamente deriva dall’aggettivo completo che cambia in completa+ mente Caso n.1 rapido>rapida> rapidamente lento>lenta> lentamente Caso n. 2 Gli aggettivi come facile, regolare e tutti gli aggettivi che terminano in -le o -re perdono l’ultima lettera. Per esempio > facile> facil-mente / regolare> regolar-mente Caso…