Every time I go to the beach and see a sailing boat, I wish it was me on it! Sailing, even a small boat for an afternoon, is one of life’s greatest pleasures. In life, I think we need to stop saying “I’m not able to do this”, when we haven’t even tried. As we grow up, we can be full of…
When I decided to start teaching online, I expected to have only “millennials”, nerds, hi-tech Silicon Valley boomers or people living their own life online. But with my big surprise, I received requests for Italian online lessons from all the ages, countries and nationalities. Nowadays taking online lessons is easy and it takes 5 minutes to setup. An online lesson…
How to write a perfect professional email in Italian Scrivere una lettera formale in italiano non è facile. Perché? Perché in italiano le amministrazioni, gli uffici, le aziende usano ancora una lingua molto burocratica. Una lingua formale. Il lessico formale usa delle strutture e del vocabolario totalmente diverso da quello che usiamo quando parliamo. Per risolvere questo problema però, possiamo…
How to say job interview in Italian? Come si dice job interview in italiano? L’errore comune degli studenti d’italiano è di usare la parola intervista per dire job interview. Intervista descrive un colloquio fra una persona importante, un politico o un attore con un giornalista. L’intervista è quella che di solito leggiamo nei giornali o ascoltiamo alla radio o vediamo…
Have you thought about learning Italian online? When I first started teaching in 2006, I was a bit sceptical about the effectiveness of online teaching. However, since then I have accumulated a lot more experience, and I’m now much clearer about the benefits and advantages. I’d like to share a few things I’ve learned along the way. How to learn Italian online Online learning offers you the…